E6 1AE

Plashet Grove > > E6 1AE

E6 1AE Plashet Grove

Street Name: Plashet Grove
Postcode: E6 1AE
Town: Upton Park, Newham, unparished area, London
Local Ward: Green Street East
County & Region: , London
Country: England, United Kingdom
Longitude: 0.036345
Latitude: 51.537003
Eastings: 541326.0
Northings: 183976.0

Bin Collecton Dates

Find out your rubbish collection day for E6 1AE in Green Street East. Bin collection dates and calendar in .

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Council Tax Band

Quickly check the postcode band for E6 1AE using the Gov.UK website council tax band checker for a home in England or Wales.

Check Council Tax

Street Cleaning

Find out when your council cleans your street. Your local council (Green Street East) is responsible for sweeping streets and removing litter.

Check Street Cleaning

House Prices in E6 1AE, Plashet Grove

Check on the Rightmove website for the average house price. This data based based on previous property sales in E6.

Check E6 House Prices

Street crimes in: E6 1AE (1 mile radius)

Crime CategoryLocation/Steet
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Loxford Avenue
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Surrey Street
anti-social-behaviourOn or near King's Road
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Bushey Road
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Petrol Station
anti-social-behaviourOn or near St Clair Road
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Hockley Avenue
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Shelley Avenue
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Walpole Road
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Tennyson Avenue
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Shelley Avenue
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Thorngrove Road
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Rosedale Road
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Doris Road
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Shopping Area
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Shelley Avenue
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Shelley Avenue
anti-social-behaviourOn or near London Road
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Richmond Street
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Augurs Lane
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Goldsmith Avenue
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Clifton Road
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Goldsmith Avenue
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Birchdale Road
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Colvin Road
anti-social-behaviourOn or near George Peabody Street
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Lansdown Road
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Sutton Court Road
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Coleridge Avenue
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Hockley Avenue
anti-social-behaviourOn or near New City Road
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Myrtle Road
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Further/higher Educational Building
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Birchdale Road
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Chester Road
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Stukeley Road
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Denbigh Road
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Sutton Court Road
anti-social-behaviourOn or near St Antony's Road
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Henry Road
anti-social-behaviourOn or near London Road
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Petrol Station
anti-social-behaviourOn or near St Antony's Road
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Selsdon Road
anti-social-behaviourOn or near George Peabody Street
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Verona Road
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Rutland Road
anti-social-behaviourOn or near The Broadway
anti-social-behaviourOn or near East Road
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Kinglet Close
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Myrtle Road
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Howard's Road
anti-social-behaviourOn or near East Road
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Petrol Station
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Kent Street
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Shelley Avenue
anti-social-behaviourOn or near High Street North
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Lloyd Road
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Surrey Street
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Ratcliff Road
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Augurs Lane
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Skeffington Road
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Parking Area
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Shopping Area
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Studley Road
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Bushey Road
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Park/open Space
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Hockley Avenue
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Ratcliff Road
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Bushey Road
anti-social-behaviourOn or near St Stephen's Road
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Augurs Lane
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Streatfeild Avenue
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Castle Street
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Park Road
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Petrol Station
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Richmond Street
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Imperial Mews
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Myrtle Road
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Samson Street
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Petrol Station
anti-social-behaviourOn or near King's Road
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Woodstock Road
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Petrol Station
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Streatfeild Avenue
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Myrtle Road
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Myrtle Road
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Lens Road
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Cowper Avenue
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Priory Road
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Shelley Avenue
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Kent Street
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Caistor Park Road
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Temple Road
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Sylvan Road
anti-social-behaviourOn or near George Peabody Street
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Studley Road
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Kempton Road
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Birchdale Road
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Studley Road
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Shelley Avenue
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Myrtle Road
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Shopping Area
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Redriffe Road
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Woodgrange Road
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Woodgrange Road
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Grasmere Road
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Woodgrange Road
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Rosebery Avenue
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Cheshunt Road
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Streatfeild Avenue
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Surrey Street
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Chesterton Road
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Cowper Avenue
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Stukeley Road
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Nigel Road
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Park Road
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Radlett Close
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Lansdown Road
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Upperton Road West
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Newman Road
anti-social-behaviourOn or near King's Road
anti-social-behaviourOn or near King's Road
anti-social-behaviourOn or near George Peabody Street
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Southern Road
anti-social-behaviourOn or near King's Road
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Essex Road
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Larch Close
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Myrtle Road
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Glasgow Road
anti-social-behaviourOn or near High Street South
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Donald Road
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Chesterton Road
anti-social-behaviourOn or near South Esk Road
anti-social-behaviourOn or near South Esk Road
anti-social-behaviourOn or near North Street
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Wilson Road
anti-social-behaviourOn or near South Esk Road
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Claughton Road
anti-social-behaviourOn or near South Esk Road
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Queensberry Place
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Surrey Street
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Rutland Road
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Studley Road
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Salisbury Road
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Hubert Road
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Southern Road
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Myrtle Road
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Thorngrove Road
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Stafford Road
anti-social-behaviourOn or near High Street North
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Kent Street
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Myrtle Road
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Studley Road
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Dragonfly Close
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Streatfeild Avenue
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Shopping Area
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Richmond Street
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Sprowston Road
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Hockley Avenue
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Rutland Road
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Shopping Area
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Palmerston Road
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Studley Road
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Holme Road
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Hockley Avenue
anti-social-behaviourOn or near St Stephen's Road
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Myrtle Road
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Tennyson Avenue
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Holme Road
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Tenbury Close
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Compton Avenue
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Hockley Avenue
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Saints Drive
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Poulett Road
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Sylvan Road
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Rutland Road
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Thorngrove Road
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Penge Road
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Augurs Lane
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Sutton Court Road
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Aintree Avenue
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Richmond Street
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Surrey Street
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Outram Road
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Streatfeild Avenue
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Sibley Grove
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Redriffe Road
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Ratcliff Road
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Parking Area
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Shoebury Road
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Ratcliff Road
anti-social-behaviourOn or near King's Road
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Studley Road
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Surrey Street
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Hubert Road
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Myrtle Road
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Park Grove
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Denbigh Road
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Nile Road
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Shelley Avenue
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Monega Road
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Coleridge Avenue
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Park Grove
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Myrtle Road
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Hockley Avenue
anti-social-behaviourOn or near East Road
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Pawsey Close
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Essex Road
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Outram Road
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Petrol Station
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Geere Road
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Shelley Avenue
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Stukeley Road
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Cowper Avenue
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Denbigh Road
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Byron Avenue
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Parking Area
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Grosvenor Road
anti-social-behaviourOn or near First Avenue
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Chesterton Road
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Tennyson Avenue
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Fothergill Close
anti-social-behaviourOn or near St Bernard's Road
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Edinburgh Road
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Lansdown Road
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Stopford Road
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Shelley Avenue
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Kinglet Close
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Fothergill Close
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Berkeley Road
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Dorset Road
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Donald Road
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Navarre Road
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Stukeley Road
anti-social-behaviourOn or near King's Road
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Wordsworth Avenue
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Redclyffe Road
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Lloyd Road
anti-social-behaviourOn or near King's Road
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Haig Road East
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Quakers Place
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Lens Road
anti-social-behaviourOn or near King's Road
anti-social-behaviourOn or near New City Road
anti-social-behaviourOn or near East Road
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Kempton Road
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Shopping Area
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Petrol Station
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Rosedale Road
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Caistor Park Road
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Quakers Place
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Washington Road
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Ismailia Road
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Further/higher Educational Building
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Central Park Road
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Birchdale Road
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Lucas Avenue
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Rosedale Road
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Kent Street
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Brampton Road
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Augurs Lane
bicycle-theftOn or near Barking Road
bicycle-theftOn or near Stamford Road
bicycle-theftOn or near Geoffrey Gardens
bicycle-theftOn or near Winifred Terrace
bicycle-theftOn or near South Esk Road
bicycle-theftOn or near Westbury Terrace
bicycle-theftOn or near Gillett Avenue
bicycle-theftOn or near Supermarket
bicycle-theftOn or near King's Road
bicycle-theftOn or near Stamford Road
bicycle-theftOn or near Shopping Area
bicycle-theftOn or near Thunderer Street
bicycle-theftOn or near Further/higher Educational Building
bicycle-theftOn or near Geoffrey Gardens
burglaryOn or near Wakefield Street
burglaryOn or near High Street North
burglaryOn or near Ferndale Road
burglaryOn or near Donald Road
burglaryOn or near Haig Road West
burglaryOn or near Inniskilling Road
burglaryOn or near Western Road
burglaryOn or near Plashet Road
burglaryOn or near Clifton Road
burglaryOn or near Fry Road
burglaryOn or near Victoria Avenue
burglaryOn or near Junction Road
burglaryOn or near Myrtle Road
burglaryOn or near Pulleyns Avenue
burglaryOn or near Further/higher Educational Building
burglaryOn or near Greengate Street
burglaryOn or near Prestbury Road
burglaryOn or near Upperton Road West
burglaryOn or near Waterloo Road
burglaryOn or near Supermarket
burglaryOn or near Shopping Area
burglaryOn or near Atlas Road
burglaryOn or near Clifton Road
burglaryOn or near Shelley Avenue
burglaryOn or near Abbots Road
burglaryOn or near Wyndham Road
burglaryOn or near Nile Road
burglaryOn or near Holme Road
burglaryOn or near Stamford Road
burglaryOn or near B167
burglaryOn or near Henniker Gardens
burglaryOn or near Sylvan Road
burglaryOn or near Elmhurst Road
burglaryOn or near Selsdon Road
burglaryOn or near St George's Avenue
burglaryOn or near Milton Avenue
burglaryOn or near Routemaster Close
burglaryOn or near Shopping Area
burglaryOn or near Stratford Road
burglaryOn or near Walpole Road
burglaryOn or near Ruskin Avenue
burglaryOn or near Upton Park Road
burglaryOn or near Myrtle Road
burglaryOn or near Edinburgh Road
burglaryOn or near Hampton Road
burglaryOn or near Birchdale Road
burglaryOn or near Greengate Street
burglaryOn or near Chester Road
burglaryOn or near Sprowston Mews
burglaryOn or near Whittaker Road
burglaryOn or near Shopping Area
burglaryOn or near Post Office Approach
burglaryOn or near Lawrence Road
criminal-damage-arsonOn or near Tudor Road
criminal-damage-arsonOn or near Larch Close
criminal-damage-arsonOn or near Stukeley Road
criminal-damage-arsonOn or near Lloyd Road
criminal-damage-arsonOn or near George Peabody Street
criminal-damage-arsonOn or near B167
criminal-damage-arsonOn or near Kinglet Close
criminal-damage-arsonOn or near Henderson Road
criminal-damage-arsonOn or near Petrol Station
criminal-damage-arsonOn or near Rosedale Road
criminal-damage-arsonOn or near Neville Road
criminal-damage-arsonOn or near Shopping Area
criminal-damage-arsonOn or near Saints Drive
criminal-damage-arsonOn or near Lichfield Road
criminal-damage-arsonOn or near High Street North
criminal-damage-arsonOn or near Bushey Road
criminal-damage-arsonOn or near High Street North
criminal-damage-arsonOn or near Shopping Area
criminal-damage-arsonOn or near George Peabody Street
criminal-damage-arsonOn or near Further/higher Educational Building
criminal-damage-arsonOn or near Katherine Road
criminal-damage-arsonOn or near Wilson Road
criminal-damage-arsonOn or near Chaucer Road
criminal-damage-arsonOn or near Woodgrange Road
criminal-damage-arsonOn or near Neville Road
criminal-damage-arsonOn or near Petrol Station
criminal-damage-arsonOn or near Antigua Mews
criminal-damage-arsonOn or near Clova Road
criminal-damage-arsonOn or near Kinglet Close
criminal-damage-arsonOn or near Sherrard Road
criminal-damage-arsonOn or near St John's Terrace
criminal-damage-arsonOn or near Dragonfly Close
criminal-damage-arsonOn or near Henderson Road
criminal-damage-arsonOn or near Westbury Terrace
criminal-damage-arsonOn or near Second Avenue
criminal-damage-arsonOn or near Romford Road
criminal-damage-arsonOn or near Crescent Road
criminal-damage-arsonOn or near Shopping Area
criminal-damage-arsonOn or near Woodstock Road
criminal-damage-arsonOn or near Margery Park Road
criminal-damage-arsonOn or near Larch Close
criminal-damage-arsonOn or near St George's Avenue
criminal-damage-arsonOn or near Radlett Close
criminal-damage-arsonOn or near Tennyson Avenue
criminal-damage-arsonOn or near Second Avenue
criminal-damage-arsonOn or near Cowper Avenue
criminal-damage-arsonOn or near Larch Close
criminal-damage-arsonOn or near Cabot Way
criminal-damage-arsonOn or near Grosvenor Road
criminal-damage-arsonOn or near Shopping Area
criminal-damage-arsonOn or near Monega Road
criminal-damage-arsonOn or near Sprowston Mews
criminal-damage-arsonOn or near B167
criminal-damage-arsonOn or near King's Road
criminal-damage-arsonOn or near Henderson Road
criminal-damage-arsonOn or near Cromwell Road
criminal-damage-arsonOn or near Bridge Road
drugsOn or near Supermarket
drugsOn or near East Ham
drugsOn or near Bushey Road
drugsOn or near Castle Street
drugsOn or near Shopping Area
drugsOn or near Dimsdale Walk
drugsOn or near Supermarket
drugsOn or near Shopping Area
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drugsOn or near Portway
drugsOn or near Skelton Road
drugsOn or near Denbigh Road
drugsOn or near Supermarket
drugsOn or near Woodgrange Road
drugsOn or near Bendish Road
drugsOn or near Bristol Road
drugsOn or near Clarence Road
drugsOn or near Denbigh Road
drugsOn or near Queen's Road
drugsOn or near Supermarket
drugsOn or near Waghorn Road
drugsOn or near Selsdon Road
drugsOn or near Myrtle Road
drugsOn or near St Bartholomew's Road
drugsOn or near Parking Area
drugsOn or near Sewell Street
drugsOn or near Supermarket
drugsOn or near Finden Road
drugsOn or near Skelton Road
drugsOn or near Tudor Road
drugsOn or near Supermarket
drugsOn or near Supermarket
drugsOn or near Supermarket
drugsOn or near Stanley Road
drugsOn or near Supermarket
drugsOn or near Supermarket
drugsOn or near William Morley Close
drugsOn or near Parking Area
drugsOn or near Streatfeild Avenue
drugsOn or near Lloyd Road
drugsOn or near Supermarket
drugsOn or near Derby Road
drugsOn or near Shopping Area
drugsOn or near Supermarket
drugsOn or near Nile Road
drugsOn or near Post Office Approach
drugsOn or near Central Park Road
drugsOn or near Finden Road
drugsOn or near Supermarket
drugsOn or near Supermarket
drugsOn or near Winkfield Road
drugsOn or near Supermarket
drugsOn or near Petrol Station
drugsOn or near Sewell Street
drugsOn or near Brook's Road
drugsOn or near Kent Street
drugsOn or near Bendish Road
drugsOn or near Bolton Road
drugsOn or near St John's Road
drugsOn or near Supermarket
drugsOn or near Boundary Lane
other-theftOn or near Ashburton Terrace
other-theftUpton Park (lu Station)
other-theftOn or near Shopping Area
other-theftOn or near Tudor Road
other-theftOn or near Imperial Mews
other-theftOn or near Skeffington Road
other-theftOn or near Neville Road
other-theftOn or near Maud Gardens
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other-theftOn or near Grosvenor Road
other-theftOn or near Birchdale Road
other-theftOn or near Supermarket
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other-theftOn or near Bridge Road
other-theftOn or near Harrow Road
other-theftOn or near Post Office Approach
other-theftOn or near Neville Road
other-theftOn or near Shelley Avenue
other-theftOn or near Margery Park Road
other-theftOn or near Albany Road
other-theftOn or near Lloyd Road
other-theftOn or near Shopping Area
other-theftOn or near Plaistow Road
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other-theftOn or near Imperial Mews
other-theftOn or near Bridge Road
other-theftOn or near Petrol Station
other-theftOn or near Petrol Station
other-theftOn or near Nine Acres Close
other-theftOn or near Victoria Avenue
other-theftOn or near Western Road
other-theftOn or near Waterloo Road
other-theftOn or near Pawsey Close
other-theftOn or near B167
other-theftOn or near Petrol Station
other-theftOn or near High Street North
other-theftOn or near Samson Street
other-theftOn or near New City Road
other-theftOn or near Park/open Space
other-theftOn or near Myrtle Road
other-theftOn or near Shopping Area
other-theftOn or near Isom Close
other-theftOn or near Shopping Area
other-theftOn or near Thorpe Road
other-theftOn or near South Esk Road
other-theftOn or near Petrol Station
other-theftOn or near Tennyson Avenue
other-theftOn or near Chester Road
other-theftOn or near Rosebery Avenue
other-theftOn or near Shopping Area
other-theftOn or near Aintree Avenue
other-theftOn or near Tennyson Avenue
other-theftOn or near Bendish Road
other-theftOn or near Sylvan Road
other-theftOn or near Crosby Road
other-theftOn or near Sutton Court Road
other-theftOn or near Ron Leighton Way
other-theftOn or near Woodgrange Road
other-theftOn or near Balmoral Road
other-theftOn or near Shopping Area
other-theftOn or near Margery Park Road
other-theftPlaistow (lu Station)
other-theftPlaistow (lu Station)
other-theftEast Ham (lu Station)
other-theftOn or near Thorpe Road
other-theftOn or near Ray Massey Way
other-theftOn or near Swete Street
other-theftOn or near Cowper Avenue
other-theftOn or near Thorpe Road
other-theftOn or near Green Street
other-theftOn or near St Bernard's Road
other-theftOn or near Altmore Avenue
other-theftOn or near Lichfield Road
other-theftOn or near Plaistow Park Road
other-theftOn or near Coronation Road
other-theftOn or near Cheshunt Road
other-theftOn or near Plaistow Road
other-theftOn or near Cowper Avenue
other-theftOn or near Lloyd Road
other-theftOn or near Libra Road
other-theftOn or near High Street North
other-theftOn or near Lloyd Road
other-theftOn or near Lloyd Road
other-theftOn or near King's Road
other-theftOn or near Shopping Area
other-theftOn or near Western Road
other-theftOn or near Balmoral Road
other-theftOn or near Shelley Avenue
other-theftOn or near Frinton Road
other-theftOn or near Shopping Area
other-theftOn or near Boleyn Road
other-theftOn or near Shopping Area
other-theftOn or near High Street North
other-theftOn or near Selsdon Road
other-theftOn or near Skeffington Road
other-theftOn or near Streatfeild Avenue
other-theftOn or near Lancaster Road
other-theftOn or near Shopping Area
other-theftOn or near Petrol Station
other-theftOn or near St John's Terrace
other-theftOn or near Shelley Avenue
other-theftOn or near Clements Road
other-theftOn or near Petrol Station
other-theftOn or near Vicar's Close
other-theftOn or near Woodgrange Road
other-theftOn or near Clifton Road
other-theftOn or near Barking Road
other-theftOn or near Further/higher Educational Building
other-theftOn or near Thunderer Street
other-theftOn or near Carter Road
other-theftOn or near Plaistow Road
other-theftOn or near Sherrard Road
other-theftOn or near Carter Road
other-theftOn or near Shopping Area
other-theftOn or near Shopping Area
other-theftOn or near Tennyson Avenue
other-theftOn or near Bath Road
other-theftOn or near Tunmarsh Lane
other-theftOn or near Wakefield Street
other-theftOn or near B167
other-theftOn or near Lawrence Road
other-theftOn or near Green Street
other-theftOn or near Shopping Area
other-theftOn or near Fothergill Close
other-theftOn or near Petrol Station
other-theftOn or near Supermarket
other-theftOn or near Gladstone Avenue
other-theftOn or near Petrol Station
other-theftOn or near Shopping Area
other-theftOn or near Green Street
other-theftOn or near High Street North
other-theftOn or near Tudor Road
other-theftOn or near Libra Road
other-theftOn or near Petrol Station
other-theftOn or near Upton Park
other-theftOn or near Shopping Area
other-theftOn or near Supermarket
other-theftOn or near Ladysmith Avenue
other-theftOn or near Supermarket
other-theftOn or near Waterloo Road
other-theftOn or near Shopping Area
other-theftOn or near Lloyd Road
other-theftOn or near Shopping Area
other-theftOn or near St John's Terrace
other-theftOn or near Nursery Lane
other-theftOn or near Shopping Area
other-theftOn or near Hospital
possession-of-weaponsOn or near Bendish Road
public-orderPlaistow (lu Station)
public-orderOn or near Police Station
public-orderOn or near Central Park Road
public-orderOn or near Chesterton Terrace
public-orderOn or near Middle Road
public-orderOn or near High Street North
public-orderOn or near Larch Close
public-orderOn or near Post Office Approach
public-orderOn or near Sylvan Road
public-orderOn or near Post Office Approach
public-orderOn or near Swete Street
public-orderPlaistow (lu Station)
public-orderOn or near Stukeley Road
public-orderOn or near Bendish Road
public-orderOn or near High Street North
public-orderOn or near Augurs Lane
public-orderOn or near Chesterton Terrace
public-orderOn or near Barking Road
public-orderOn or near High Street North
public-orderOn or near Petrol Station
public-orderOn or near South Esk Road
public-orderOn or near Green Street
public-orderOn or near Bendish Road
public-orderOn or near Shopping Area
public-orderOn or near Colvin Road
public-orderOn or near Shopping Area
public-orderOn or near Victoria Road
public-orderOn or near Upper Road
public-orderOn or near Castle Street
public-orderOn or near Nigel Road
public-orderOn or near Nigel Road
public-orderOn or near Swete Street
public-orderOn or near Pelly Road
public-orderOn or near Augurs Lane
public-orderOn or near Parking Area
public-orderOn or near Kent Street
public-orderOn or near South Esk Road
public-orderOn or near Lloyd Road
public-orderOn or near Stukeley Road
public-orderOn or near Petrol Station
public-orderOn or near Post Office Approach
public-orderOn or near Parking Area
public-orderOn or near Radlett Close
public-orderOn or near Loxford Avenue
public-orderOn or near Nigel Road
public-orderOn or near East Ham
public-orderOn or near Katherine Road
public-orderOn or near Monega Road
public-orderUpton Park (lu Station)
public-orderOn or near Gwendoline Avenue
public-orderOn or near Monega Road
public-orderOn or near St Clair Road
public-orderOn or near Supermarket
public-orderOn or near Kennedy Close
robberyOn or near Woodhouse Grove
robberyOn or near Thorpe Road
robberyOn or near High Street North
robberyOn or near Katherine Road
robberyOn or near Orwell Road
robberyOn or near St John's Terrace
robberyOn or near Lloyd Road
robberyOn or near B167
robberyOn or near Stamford Road
robberyOn or near Shopping Area
robberyOn or near Walpole Road
robberyOn or near Bendish Road
robberyOn or near Altmore Avenue
robberyOn or near Isom Close
robberyOn or near Woodhouse Grove
robberyOn or near Plashet Grove
robberyOn or near Shopping Area
robberyOn or near B167
robberyOn or near Isom Close
robberyOn or near Supermarket
robberyOn or near Myrtle Road
robberyOn or near Eleanor Road
robberyOn or near Kitchener Road
robberyOn or near Shopping Area
robberyOn or near Lloyd Road
robberyOn or near Post Office Approach
robberyOn or near Lloyd Road
robberyOn or near Shopping Area
robberyOn or near Petrol Station
robberyOn or near Rancliffe Road
robberyOn or near Post Office Approach
robberyOn or near Ashburton Terrace
robberyOn or near Tudor Road
robberyOn or near Grosvenor Road
robberyOn or near B167
robberyOn or near Upper Road
robberyOn or near Petrol Station
robberyOn or near Nile Road
robberyOn or near Shopping Area
robberyOn or near Bendish Road
robberyOn or near Doris Road
robberyOn or near Barking Road
robberyOn or near Waghorn Road
robberyOn or near Boleyn Road
robberyOn or near Park/open Space
robberyOn or near Ray Massey Way
robberyOn or near Grangewood Street
robberyOn or near High Street North
robberyOn or near Post Office Approach
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shopliftingOn or near Plaistow Road
shopliftingOn or near Post Office Approach
shopliftingOn or near Shopping Area
shopliftingOn or near Parking Area
shopliftingOn or near Parking Area
shopliftingOn or near Ashburton Terrace
shopliftingOn or near Further/higher Educational Building
shopliftingOn or near Parking Area
shopliftingOn or near Shopping Area
shopliftingOn or near Ashburton Terrace
shopliftingOn or near Shopping Area
shopliftingOn or near Shopping Area
shopliftingOn or near Katherine Road
shopliftingOn or near Ashburton Terrace
shopliftingOn or near Ray Massey Way
shopliftingOn or near The Broadway
shopliftingOn or near Shopping Area
shopliftingOn or near High Street North
shopliftingOn or near B165
shopliftingOn or near High Street North
shopliftingOn or near Parking Area
shopliftingOn or near Imperial Mews
shopliftingOn or near Shopping Area
shopliftingOn or near Cheshunt Road
shopliftingOn or near Imperial Mews
shopliftingOn or near Pilgrims Way
shopliftingOn or near B165
shopliftingOn or near Supermarket
shopliftingOn or near Further/higher Educational Building
shopliftingOn or near Shopping Area
shopliftingOn or near Katherine Road
shopliftingOn or near Barking Road
shopliftingOn or near Shopping Area
shopliftingOn or near Parking Area
shopliftingOn or near South Esk Road
shopliftingOn or near Supermarket
shopliftingOn or near Bishops Avenue
shopliftingOn or near Parking Area
shopliftingOn or near High Street North
shopliftingOn or near Barking Road
shopliftingOn or near Post Office Approach
shopliftingOn or near Bishops Avenue
shopliftingOn or near High Street North
shopliftingOn or near Sylvan Road
shopliftingOn or near Further/higher Educational Building
shopliftingOn or near Ray Massey Way
shopliftingOn or near Parking Area
shopliftingOn or near Parking Area
shopliftingOn or near Lloyd Road
shopliftingOn or near Further/higher Educational Building
shopliftingOn or near Shopping Area
shopliftingOn or near Bendish Road
shopliftingOn or near Post Office Approach
shopliftingOn or near Petrol Station
shopliftingOn or near Ashburton Terrace
shopliftingOn or near Shopping Area
shopliftingOn or near High Street North
shopliftingOn or near High Street North
shopliftingOn or near Ashburton Terrace
shopliftingOn or near Winifred Terrace
shopliftingOn or near Ashburton Terrace
shopliftingOn or near Ashburton Terrace
shopliftingOn or near Shopping Area
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theft-from-the-personOn or near Green Street
theft-from-the-personOn or near Shopping Area
theft-from-the-personOn or near High Street North
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theft-from-the-personOn or near B167
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theft-from-the-personOn or near Sewell Street
theft-from-the-personOn or near Shopping Area
theft-from-the-personOn or near Supermarket
theft-from-the-personOn or near Shopping Area
theft-from-the-personOn or near Shopping Area
theft-from-the-personOn or near Quakers Place
theft-from-the-personOn or near Stock Street
theft-from-the-personOn or near Balaam Street
theft-from-the-personOn or near Junction Road
theft-from-the-personOn or near Tudor Road
theft-from-the-personOn or near B167
theft-from-the-personOn or near Tennyson Avenue
theft-from-the-personOn or near Lloyd Road
theft-from-the-personOn or near Henderson Road
theft-from-the-personOn or near Green Street
theft-from-the-personOn or near Shopping Area
theft-from-the-personOn or near Pilgrims Way
theft-from-the-personOn or near Shopping Area
theft-from-the-personUpton Park (lu Station)
theft-from-the-personOn or near Tennyson Avenue
theft-from-the-personOn or near B165
theft-from-the-personOn or near Katherine Road
theft-from-the-personOn or near Shopping Area
theft-from-the-personOn or near Bendish Road
theft-from-the-personOn or near Shopping Area
theft-from-the-personOn or near Supermarket
theft-from-the-personOn or near Selsdon Road
theft-from-the-personOn or near Thorpe Road
theft-from-the-personOn or near Woodgrange Park
theft-from-the-personOn or near Parking Area
theft-from-the-personOn or near High Street North
theft-from-the-personOn or near Myrtle Road
theft-from-the-personOn or near B167
theft-from-the-personOn or near High Street North
theft-from-the-personOn or near Sussex Street
theft-from-the-personOn or near Further/higher Educational Building
theft-from-the-personOn or near Post Office Approach
theft-from-the-personOn or near St Dunstan's Road
theft-from-the-personOn or near Romford Road
theft-from-the-personUpton Park (lu Station)
theft-from-the-personOn or near High Street North
theft-from-the-personOn or near Police Station
theft-from-the-personOn or near Shopping Area
theft-from-the-personOn or near Snowshill Road
theft-from-the-personOn or near Shelley Avenue
theft-from-the-personOn or near Green Street
theft-from-the-personOn or near Central Park Road
theft-from-the-personOn or near Shopping Area
theft-from-the-personOn or near Raymond Road
theft-from-the-personOn or near Shopping Area
theft-from-the-personOn or near Shopping Area
theft-from-the-personOn or near Shopping Area
theft-from-the-personOn or near Shopping Area
theft-from-the-personOn or near Myrtle Road
theft-from-the-personOn or near Supermarket
theft-from-the-personOn or near B167
theft-from-the-personOn or near Romford Road
theft-from-the-personOn or near Henry Road
theft-from-the-personOn or near Supermarket
theft-from-the-personOn or near Shopping Area
theft-from-the-personOn or near Shopping Area
theft-from-the-personOn or near Shopping Area
theft-from-the-personOn or near Shopping Area
theft-from-the-personOn or near Parking Area
theft-from-the-personOn or near Grosvenor Road
theft-from-the-personEast Ham (lu Station)
theft-from-the-personOn or near Myrtle Road
theft-from-the-personOn or near Supermarket
theft-from-the-personOn or near Shopping Area
theft-from-the-personOn or near Lydeard Road
theft-from-the-personEast Ham (lu Station)
theft-from-the-personOn or near B167
theft-from-the-personOn or near B165
theft-from-the-personOn or near Byron Avenue
theft-from-the-personOn or near Woodstock Road
theft-from-the-personOn or near B167
theft-from-the-personOn or near Ray Massey Way
theft-from-the-personOn or near B167
theft-from-the-personOn or near St George's Square
theft-from-the-personOn or near Shopping Area
theft-from-the-personOn or near B165
theft-from-the-personOn or near Myrtle Road
theft-from-the-personOn or near Shopping Area
theft-from-the-personOn or near Ashburton Terrace
theft-from-the-personOn or near B167
theft-from-the-personOn or near B167
theft-from-the-personOn or near Lloyd Road
theft-from-the-personOn or near Skeffington Road
theft-from-the-personOn or near Shopping Area
theft-from-the-personOn or near B167
theft-from-the-personOn or near Shopping Area
theft-from-the-personPlaistow (lu Station)
theft-from-the-personOn or near King's Road
theft-from-the-personOn or near Lloyd Road
theft-from-the-personOn or near Ray Massey Way
theft-from-the-personPlaistow (lu Station)
theft-from-the-personOn or near Latimer Avenue
theft-from-the-personOn or near Green Street
theft-from-the-personOn or near Finden Road
theft-from-the-personOn or near Altmore Avenue
theft-from-the-personOn or near Ironworks Way
theft-from-the-personOn or near Woodhouse Grove
theft-from-the-personOn or near Shopping Area
theft-from-the-personOn or near Tennyson Avenue
theft-from-the-personOn or near Parking Area
theft-from-the-personOn or near Tennyson Avenue
theft-from-the-personOn or near Finden Road
theft-from-the-personOn or near Supermarket
theft-from-the-personOn or near Upton Park Road
theft-from-the-personOn or near Shopping Area
theft-from-the-personOn or near Dimsdale Walk
theft-from-the-personOn or near Shopping Area
theft-from-the-personOn or near Shopping Area
theft-from-the-personOn or near Nile Road
theft-from-the-personOn or near Supermarket
theft-from-the-personOn or near B167
theft-from-the-personOn or near Altmore Avenue
theft-from-the-personOn or near Shopping Area
theft-from-the-personOn or near Katherine Road
theft-from-the-personOn or near Supermarket
theft-from-the-personOn or near Supermarket
theft-from-the-personOn or near B167
theft-from-the-personOn or near Kempton Road
theft-from-the-personOn or near Supermarket
theft-from-the-personOn or near High Street North
theft-from-the-personOn or near Nursery Lane
theft-from-the-personOn or near B165
theft-from-the-personOn or near Supermarket
theft-from-the-personOn or near Stopford Road
theft-from-the-personOn or near Thorpe Road
theft-from-the-personOn or near Ratcliff Road
theft-from-the-personOn or near High Street North
theft-from-the-personOn or near Lloyd Road
theft-from-the-personOn or near High Street South
theft-from-the-personOn or near Greengate Street
theft-from-the-personOn or near Supermarket
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vehicle-crimeOn or near Holme Road
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vehicle-crimeOn or near Kempton Road
vehicle-crimeOn or near Lydeard Road
vehicle-crimeOn or near Supermarket
vehicle-crimeOn or near Libra Road
vehicle-crimeOn or near Shopping Area
vehicle-crimeOn or near Green Street
vehicle-crimeOn or near South Esk Road
vehicle-crimeOn or near St George's Avenue
vehicle-crimeOn or near Caledon Road
vehicle-crimeOn or near Lens Road
vehicle-crimeOn or near Western Road
vehicle-crimeOn or near Woodstock Road
vehicle-crimeOn or near St Bernard's Road
vehicle-crimeOn or near Rutland Road
vehicle-crimeOn or near Crosby Road
vehicle-crimeOn or near Kylemore Close
vehicle-crimeOn or near Tennyson Avenue
vehicle-crimeOn or near Blenheim Road
vehicle-crimeOn or near Augurs Lane
vehicle-crimeOn or near Green Street
vehicle-crimeOn or near Sherrard Road
vehicle-crimeOn or near Green Street
vehicle-crimeOn or near Petrol Station
vehicle-crimeOn or near Rochford Close
vehicle-crimeOn or near Abbots Road
vehicle-crimeOn or near Kinglet Close
vehicle-crimeOn or near William Morley Close
vehicle-crimeOn or near Edith Road
vehicle-crimeOn or near Queensberry Place
vehicle-crimeOn or near Bushey Road
vehicle-crimeOn or near Henniker Gardens
vehicle-crimeOn or near Shopping Area
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vehicle-crimeOn or near Katherine Road
vehicle-crimeOn or near Byron Avenue
vehicle-crimeOn or near Liddington Road
vehicle-crimeOn or near Larch Close
vehicle-crimeOn or near Supermarket
vehicle-crimeOn or near St Martin's Avenue
vehicle-crimeOn or near Lens Road
vehicle-crimeOn or near Lathom Road
vehicle-crimeOn or near South Esk Road
vehicle-crimeOn or near Parking Area
vehicle-crimeOn or near Poulett Road
vehicle-crimeOn or near Police Station
vehicle-crimeOn or near Post Office Approach
vehicle-crimeOn or near Quakers Place
vehicle-crimeOn or near Rutland Road
vehicle-crimeOn or near Newman Road
vehicle-crimeOn or near Post Office Approach
vehicle-crimeOn or near Ernald Avenue
vehicle-crimeOn or near Dragonfly Close
vehicle-crimeOn or near Cotswold Gardens
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vehicle-crimeOn or near St John's Terrace
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vehicle-crimeOn or near Bob Anker Close
vehicle-crimeOn or near Lathom Road
vehicle-crimeOn or near Walpole Road
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vehicle-crimeOn or near Barking Road
vehicle-crimeOn or near Frinton Road
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vehicle-crimeOn or near Kempton Road
vehicle-crimeOn or near William Morley Close
vehicle-crimeOn or near B167
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vehicle-crimeOn or near Upton Park
vehicle-crimeOn or near Jephson Road
vehicle-crimeOn or near Supermarket
vehicle-crimeOn or near Ray Massey Way
vehicle-crimeOn or near Brampton Road
vehicle-crimeOn or near South Esk Road
vehicle-crimeOn or near Upperton Road East
vehicle-crimeOn or near Quakers Place
vehicle-crimeOn or near Wakefield Street
vehicle-crimeOn or near Grosvenor Road
vehicle-crimeOn or near Imperial Mews
vehicle-crimeOn or near Wyndham Road
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vehicle-crimeOn or near Walton Road
vehicle-crimeOn or near Sebert Road
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vehicle-crimeOn or near Chaucer Road
vehicle-crimeOn or near Ray Massey Way
vehicle-crimeOn or near Tenbury Close
vehicle-crimeOn or near King's Road
vehicle-crimeOn or near St Martin's Avenue
vehicle-crimeOn or near Holme Road
vehicle-crimeOn or near Victoria Avenue
vehicle-crimeOn or near Woodstock Road
vehicle-crimeOn or near Caledon Road
vehicle-crimeOn or near Poulett Road
vehicle-crimeOn or near Dickens Road
vehicle-crimeOn or near Shopping Area
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violent-crimeOn or near Tudor Road
violent-crimeOn or near Further/higher Educational Building
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violent-crimeOn or near Churston Avenue
violent-crimeOn or near St Dunstan's Road
violent-crimeOn or near Parking Area
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violent-crimeOn or near Stopford Road
violent-crimeOn or near High Street North
violent-crimeOn or near South Esk Road
violent-crimeOn or near Kennedy Close
violent-crimeOn or near Nursery Lane
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violent-crimeOn or near Imperial Mews
violent-crimeOn or near Supermarket
violent-crimeOn or near High Street North
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violent-crimeOn or near Rosebery Avenue
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violent-crimeOn or near Rosebery Avenue
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violent-crimeOn or near James Close
violent-crimeOn or near Monega Road
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violent-crimeOn or near St Bernard's Road
violent-crimeOn or near Further/higher Educational Building
violent-crimeOn or near Kempton Road
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violent-crimeOn or near Sylvan Road
violent-crimeOn or near East Ham
violent-crimeOn or near Shopping Area
violent-crimeOn or near Latimer Avenue
violent-crimeOn or near B167
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violent-crimeOn or near Sylvan Road
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violent-crimeOn or near Sylvan Road
violent-crimeOn or near Lathom Road
violent-crimeOn or near Grosvenor Gardens
violent-crimeOn or near Supermarket
violent-crimeOn or near Bob Anker Close
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violent-crimeOn or near Rosebery Avenue
violent-crimeOn or near Eastern Road
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violent-crimeOn or near Creighton Avenue
violent-crimeOn or near Post Office Approach
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violent-crimeOn or near Pilgrims Way
violent-crimeOn or near Post Office Approach
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violent-crimeOn or near Kylemore Close
violent-crimeOn or near Shopping Area
violent-crimeOn or near Shopping Area
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violent-crimeOn or near Further/higher Educational Building
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violent-crimeOn or near South Esk Road
violent-crimeOn or near Myrtle Road
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violent-crimeOn or near Monega Road
violent-crimeOn or near Plashet Grove
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violent-crimeOn or near Post Office Approach
violent-crimeOn or near Kinglet Close
violent-crimeOn or near Streatfeild Avenue
violent-crimeOn or near Romford Road
violent-crimePlaistow (lu Station)
violent-crimeOn or near High Street North
violent-crimeOn or near Arragon Road
violent-crimeOn or near Myrtle Road
violent-crimeOn or near George Peabody Street
violent-crimeOn or near Pawsey Close
violent-crimeOn or near Dominica Close
violent-crimeOn or near Barking Road
violent-crimeOn or near Supermarket
violent-crimeOn or near Larch Close
violent-crimeOn or near Shopping Area
violent-crimeOn or near Orwell Road
violent-crimeEast Ham (lu Station)
violent-crimeOn or near Lawrence Road
violent-crimeOn or near Radlett Close
violent-crimeOn or near Barking Road
violent-crimeOn or near High Street North
violent-crimeOn or near Sprowston Mews
violent-crimeOn or near Shopping Area
violent-crimeOn or near Myrtle Road
violent-crimeOn or near Green Street
violent-crimeOn or near Wyndham Road
violent-crimeOn or near Denbigh Road
violent-crimeOn or near Lloyd Road
violent-crimeOn or near Thorpe Road
violent-crimeOn or near Orwell Road
violent-crimeOn or near Doris Road
violent-crimeOn or near Ellie Mews
violent-crimeOn or near Stafford Road
violent-crimeOn or near Post Office Approach
violent-crimeOn or near Florence Road
violent-crimeOn or near Grosvenor Road
violent-crimeOn or near Petrol Station
violent-crimeOn or near Shopping Area
violent-crimeOn or near Belton Road
violent-crimeOn or near Petrol Station
violent-crimeOn or near Hockley Avenue
violent-crimeOn or near Thunderer Street
other-crimeOn or near Park/open Space
other-crimeEast Ham (lu Station)
other-crimeOn or near Dimsdale Walk
other-crimeOn or near Credon Road
other-crimeOn or near Terrace Road
other-crimeOn or near Pilgrims Way
other-crimeOn or near Jedburgh Road
other-crimeOn or near Clifton Road
other-crimeOn or near Victoria Road
other-crimeOn or near High Street North
other-crimeOn or near Richmond Road
other-crimeOn or near Petrol Station
other-crimeUpton Park (lu Station)
other-crimeOn or near Redclyffe Road