Honeywood Mews > Hampshire > PO8 9XL

PO8 9XL Honeywood Mews

Street Name: Honeywood Mews
Postcode: PO8 9XL
Town: Horndean, Havant, unparished area, East Hampshire
Local Ward: Hart Plain
County & Region: Hampshire, South East
Country: England, United Kingdom
Longitude: -1.025439
Latitude: 50.908962
Eastings: 468616.0
Northings: 112618.0

Bin Collecton Dates

Find out your rubbish collection day for PO8 9XL in Hart Plain. Bin collection dates and calendar in .

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Council Tax Band

Quickly check the postcode band for PO8 9XL using the Gov.UK website council tax band checker for a home in England or Wales.

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Street Cleaning

Find out when your council cleans your street. Your local council (Hart Plain) is responsible for sweeping streets and removing litter.

Check Street Cleaning

House Prices in PO8 9XL, Honeywood Mews

Check on the Rightmove website for the average house price. This data based based on previous property sales in PO8.

Check PO8 House Prices

Street crimes in: PO8 9XL (1 mile radius)

Crime CategoryLocation/Steet
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Orchard Close
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Merchistoun Road
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Fulmer Walk
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Morley Crescent
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Jodrell Close
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Coldhill Lane
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Roselands
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Jackdaw Close
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Brookwood Crescent
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Robin Gardens
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Partridge Gardens
burglaryOn or near Supermarket
burglaryOn or near Milton Road
criminal-damage-arsonOn or near Robin Gardens
criminal-damage-arsonOn or near Chaffinch Green
criminal-damage-arsonOn or near Woodstock Avenue
criminal-damage-arsonOn or near Robin Gardens
criminal-damage-arsonOn or near The Spinney
criminal-damage-arsonOn or near Robin Gardens
criminal-damage-arsonOn or near Bunting Gardens
criminal-damage-arsonOn or near Portsmouth Road
criminal-damage-arsonOn or near Hemsley Walk
criminal-damage-arsonOn or near Bowers Close
criminal-damage-arsonOn or near Orchard Close
drugsOn or near Swinburn Gardens
drugsOn or near Bowes-lyon Court
drugsOn or near Curlew Gardens
drugsOn or near Jackdaw Close
drugsOn or near Puffin Walk
drugsOn or near Puffin Walk
drugsOn or near Catherington Lane
drugsOn or near Jackdaw Close
other-theftOn or near B2149
other-theftOn or near Dove Close
other-theftOn or near B2149
other-theftOn or near B2149
other-theftOn or near B2149
other-theftOn or near Curlew Gardens
other-theftOn or near B2149
other-theftOn or near B2149
other-theftOn or near B2149
other-theftOn or near B2149
other-theftOn or near B2149
other-theftOn or near B2149
other-theftOn or near B2149
other-theftOn or near B2149
other-theftOn or near B2149
other-theftOn or near Ruskin Way
public-orderOn or near Flag Walk
public-orderOn or near Blackbird Close
public-orderOn or near Woodcroft Lane
public-orderOn or near Crisspyn Close
public-orderOn or near Crisspyn Close
public-orderOn or near Crisspyn Close
public-orderOn or near Bowes-lyon Court
public-orderOn or near Grebe Close
shopliftingOn or near Woodcroft Lane
shopliftingOn or near Woodcroft Lane
shopliftingOn or near Woodcroft Lane
shopliftingOn or near Woodcroft Lane
shopliftingOn or near Woodcroft Lane
shopliftingOn or near Woodcroft Lane
shopliftingOn or near B2149
theft-from-the-personOn or near Renown Gardens
vehicle-crimeOn or near Bunting Gardens
violent-crimeOn or near Keydell Avenue
violent-crimeOn or near Frogmore Lane
violent-crimeOn or near Catherington Lane
violent-crimeOn or near Hobby Close
violent-crimeOn or near Dove Close
violent-crimeOn or near Bowes-lyon Court
violent-crimeOn or near Nelson Crescent
violent-crimeOn or near Renown Gardens
violent-crimeOn or near Eagle Avenue
violent-crimeOn or near Dove Close
violent-crimeOn or near Catherington Lane
violent-crimeOn or near Bulls Copse Lane
violent-crimeOn or near Grebe Close
violent-crimeOn or near Hobby Close
violent-crimeOn or near Bowes-lyon Court
violent-crimeOn or near Flag Walk
violent-crimeOn or near Wilton Drive
violent-crimeOn or near Parking Area
violent-crimeOn or near Flag Walk
violent-crimeOn or near Falcon Road
violent-crimeOn or near Falcon Road
violent-crimeOn or near Keydell Avenue
violent-crimeOn or near Keydell Avenue
violent-crimeOn or near Napier Road
violent-crimeOn or near Grebe Close
violent-crimeOn or near Chaplains Close
violent-crimeOn or near Robin Gardens
violent-crimeOn or near Magpie Walk
violent-crimeOn or near Magpie Walk
violent-crimeOn or near Puffin Walk
violent-crimeOn or near Peacock Gardens
violent-crimeOn or near Grebe Close
violent-crimeOn or near Dove Close
violent-crimeOn or near Hobby Close
violent-crimeOn or near Grebe Close
violent-crimeOn or near Thrush Walk
violent-crimeOn or near Merchistoun Road
violent-crimeOn or near Renown Gardens
violent-crimeOn or near Wagtail Road
violent-crimeOn or near Thrush Walk
violent-crimeOn or near Thrush Walk
violent-crimeOn or near Thrush Walk
violent-crimeOn or near Linnet Close
violent-crimeOn or near Thrush Walk
violent-crimeOn or near Thrush Walk
violent-crimeOn or near The Spinney
violent-crimeOn or near Chaffinch Green
violent-crimeOn or near Curlew Gardens
violent-crimeOn or near Napier Road
violent-crimeOn or near Millers Fields
violent-crimeOn or near Robin Gardens
violent-crimeOn or near Keydell Avenue
violent-crimeOn or near Briarfield Gardens
violent-crimeOn or near Robin Gardens
violent-crimeOn or near Merlin Close
violent-crimeOn or near Swinburn Gardens
violent-crimeOn or near Thrush Walk
violent-crimeOn or near Day Lane
violent-crimeOn or near Day Lane
violent-crimeOn or near Sparrow Close
other-crimeOn or near Chaplains Close
other-crimeOn or near Napier Road
other-crimeOn or near Orchard Grove