LS16 8ET

Adel Wood Gardens > > LS16 8ET

LS16 8ET Adel Wood Gardens

Street Name: Adel Wood Gardens
Postcode: LS16 8ET
Town: Adel, Leeds, unparished area, Leeds
Local Ward: Adel & Wharfedale
County & Region: , Yorkshire and The Humber
Country: England, United Kingdom
Longitude: -1.579438
Latitude: 53.848472
Eastings: 427766.0
Northings: 439219.0

Bin Collecton Dates

Find out your rubbish collection day for LS16 8ET in Adel & Wharfedale. Bin collection dates and calendar in .

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Council Tax Band

Quickly check the postcode band for LS16 8ET using the Gov.UK website council tax band checker for a home in England or Wales.

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Street Cleaning

Find out when your council cleans your street. Your local council (Adel & Wharfedale) is responsible for sweeping streets and removing litter.

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House Prices in LS16 8ET, Adel Wood Gardens

Check on the Rightmove website for the average house price. This data based based on previous property sales in LS16.

Check LS16 House Prices

Street crimes in: LS16 8ET (1 mile radius)

Crime CategoryLocation/Steet
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Scotland Wood Road
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Luttrell Gardens
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Oaklands Fold
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Tynwald Mount
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Crag Lane
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Parking Area
bicycle-theftOn or near Redesdale Grove
burglaryOn or near Buck Stone Gardens
burglaryOn or near East Causeway Vale
burglaryOn or near Ash Road
burglaryOn or near Mulberry Avenue
burglaryOn or near Wayland Approach
burglaryOn or near Mulberry Rise
burglaryOn or near Stretton Avenue
burglaryOn or near Woodlands Drive
burglaryOn or near Lawnswood Gardens
criminal-damage-arsonOn or near Woodlands Court
criminal-damage-arsonOn or near Oaklea Hall Close
criminal-damage-arsonOn or near Parking Area
drugsOn or near Manor House Croft
other-theftOn or near Foxhill Grove
other-theftOn or near Broomfield
other-theftOn or near Cranmer Close
other-theftOn or near Heathfield
other-theftOn or near Luttrell Gardens
other-theftOn or near Petrol Station
other-theftOn or near Woodlea Fold
other-theftOn or near Sunningdale Walk
other-theftOn or near Tynwald Gardens
other-theftOn or near Deanswood Gardens
public-orderOn or near Police Station
public-orderOn or near Avenue Lawns
public-orderOn or near Woodlands Court
public-orderOn or near Luttrell Road
shopliftingOn or near Supermarket
theft-from-the-personOn or near Deighton View
vehicle-crimeOn or near Dunstarn Lane
vehicle-crimeOn or near Glendower Park
vehicle-crimeOn or near Lane End Court
vehicle-crimeOn or near Adel Grange Mews
vehicle-crimeOn or near Woodlea Green
vehicle-crimeOn or near Sandlewood Court
vehicle-crimeOn or near Lawnswood Crescent
vehicle-crimeOn or near Beech Walk
vehicle-crimeOn or near A660
violent-crimeOn or near Spring Hill
violent-crimeOn or near Luttrell Road
violent-crimeOn or near Woodlea Lawn
violent-crimeOn or near Sunningdale Walk
violent-crimeOn or near Petrol Station
violent-crimeOn or near Alderton Bank
violent-crimeOn or near Alderton Rise
violent-crimeOn or near Woodlea Garth
violent-crimeOn or near Kingsley Avenue
violent-crimeOn or near Deanswood Hill
violent-crimeOn or near Woodlands Court
violent-crimeOn or near Lattimore View
violent-crimeOn or near Raynel Green
violent-crimeOn or near Avenue Lawns
violent-crimeOn or near Cranmer Close
violent-crimeOn or near Cranmer Close
violent-crimeOn or near Deanswood Hill
violent-crimeOn or near The Crescent
violent-crimeOn or near Alderton Mount
violent-crimeOn or near Kingsley Avenue
violent-crimeOn or near Woodlands Court
violent-crimeOn or near Buck Stone Oval
violent-crimeOn or near Deanswood Rise
violent-crimeOn or near Evans Court
violent-crimeOn or near Tynwald Walk
other-crimeOn or near Woodlea Lawn
other-crimeOn or near Adel Grange Close
other-crimeOn or near Woodlea Green
other-crimeOn or near Tynwald Walk
other-crimeOn or near Redesdale Gardens
other-crimeOn or near Raynel Drive