NE61 2HX

Choppington Road > > NE61 2HX

NE61 2HX Choppington Road

Street Name: Choppington Road
Postcode: NE61 2HX
Town: Stobhill Manor, Morpeth,
Local Ward: Morpeth Stobhill
County & Region: , North East
Country: England, United Kingdom
Longitude: -1.674401
Latitude: 55.157688
Eastings: 420845.0
Northings: 584868.0

Bin Collecton Dates

Find out your rubbish collection day for NE61 2HX in Morpeth Stobhill. Bin collection dates and calendar in .

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Council Tax Band

Quickly check the postcode band for NE61 2HX using the Gov.UK website council tax band checker for a home in England or Wales.

Check Council Tax

Street Cleaning

Find out when your council cleans your street. Your local council (Morpeth Stobhill) is responsible for sweeping streets and removing litter.

Check Street Cleaning

House Prices in NE61 2HX, Choppington Road

Check on the Rightmove website for the average house price. This data based based on previous property sales in NE61.

Check NE61 House Prices

Street crimes in: NE61 2HX (1 mile radius)

Crime CategoryLocation/Steet
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Lumsden's Lane
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Parking Area
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Lumsden's Lane
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Ash Banks
anti-social-behaviourOn or near Parking Area
burglaryOn or near Castle Meadows
burglaryOn or near Chantry Place
burglaryOn or near Parking Area
burglaryOn or near Chantry Place
burglaryOn or near Choppington Road
criminal-damage-arsonOn or near Fifth Avenue
criminal-damage-arsonOn or near Queen's Gardens
criminal-damage-arsonOn or near Eleventh Avenue
criminal-damage-arsonOn or near Ninth Avenue
criminal-damage-arsonOn or near Stobhill Villas
criminal-damage-arsonOn or near Queen's Gardens
criminal-damage-arsonOn or near First Avenue
criminal-damage-arsonOn or near Parking Area
criminal-damage-arsonOn or near Dark Lane
criminal-damage-arsonOn or near Damside
criminal-damage-arsonOn or near Second Avenue
drugsOn or near Crookham Grove
drugsOn or near Alexandra Road
other-theftOn or near Bennett's Walk
other-theftOn or near Queen's Gardens
other-theftOn or near Southgate Mews
other-theftOn or near Staithes Lane
other-theftOn or near Sampson Close
public-orderOn or near Mathesons Gardens
public-orderOn or near Parking Area
public-orderOn or near Lumsden's Lane
public-orderOn or near Parking Area
public-orderOn or near Castle Square
public-orderOn or near Sixth Avenue
public-orderOn or near Parking Area
public-orderOn or near Dark Lane
public-orderOn or near Wellwood Gardens
public-orderOn or near Parking Area
public-orderOn or near Sixth Avenue
public-orderOn or near Parking Area
shopliftingOn or near Parking Area
shopliftingOn or near Shields Road
shopliftingOn or near Chantry Place
shopliftingOn or near Parking Area
shopliftingOn or near Shields Road
shopliftingOn or near Chantry Place
shopliftingOn or near The Avenue
shopliftingOn or near Parking Area
shopliftingOn or near Shields Road
shopliftingOn or near Chantry Place
shopliftingOn or near Chantry Place
shopliftingOn or near Shields Road
shopliftingOn or near Whalebone Lane
shopliftingOn or near Dark Lane
shopliftingOn or near Dark Lane
shopliftingOn or near Shields Road
shopliftingOn or near Chantry Place
shopliftingOn or near Whalebone Lane
shopliftingOn or near Dark Lane
shopliftingOn or near Supermarket
theft-from-the-personMorpeth (station)
theft-from-the-personOn or near Parking Area
theft-from-the-personOn or near Lumsden's Lane
vehicle-crimeOn or near Whorral Bank
vehicle-crimeOn or near Choppington Road
violent-crimeOn or near Willowburn
violent-crimeOn or near Pretoria Avenue
violent-crimeOn or near Parking Area
violent-crimeOn or near Staithes Lane
violent-crimeOn or near Parking Area
violent-crimeOn or near Tenth Avenue
violent-crimeOn or near Parking Area
violent-crimeOn or near Hospital
violent-crimeOn or near St Mary's Field
violent-crimeOn or near Dark Lane
violent-crimeOn or near Parking Area
violent-crimeOn or near Rutherford Place
violent-crimeOn or near Fifth Avenue
violent-crimeOn or near Southgate Mews
violent-crimeOn or near Parking Area
violent-crimeOn or near First Avenue
violent-crimeOn or near Castle Square
violent-crimeOn or near Hospital
violent-crimeOn or near Duncan Gardens
violent-crimeOn or near Bennett's Walk
violent-crimeOn or near Hospital
violent-crimeOn or near Lumsden's Lane
violent-crimeOn or near Bluebell Rise
other-crimeOn or near Parking Area