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The Outcode is the first part of the postcode, consisting of one or two letters followed by one or two numbers.
There are currently 2977 known outwards (Outcodes) postcodes. Explore them below:
There are currently 2977 known outwards (Outcodes) postcodes.
Postcode outcodes (also known as outward codes or area codes) are the first part of a postcode in the United Kingdom and Ireland. They consist of two to four alphanumeric characters and are used to identify a geographic area or post town. Outcodes are used in addressing, and are typically followed by an inward code, which specifies a particular address within the post town. Our database has detailed information on 2977 known outwards codes (Outcodes).
The British postcode system is divided into two main parts: the Outward Code (Outcode) and the Inward Code (Incode). The Outcode is the first part of the postcode, consisting of one or two letters followed by one or two numbers. These letters are based on the city or town's name, while the numbers signify a specific area within that location. For example, in the postcode "SW1A 1AA", the Outcode is "SW1A".
Outcodes play a vital role in the sorting and delivery of mail within the UK. They allow the Royal Mail to efficiently route items to the correct local delivery office. From there, the Incode, which is the second part of the postcode, helps to further narrow down the destination to a specific street or group of buildings.
To make the system even more efficient, the first letter of an Outcode generally corresponds to a larger geographical area, such as a group of cities or towns. The second letter, if present, narrows it down to a specific town or city. The number(s) following the letters then provide information about the district within that area. This systematic approach ensures a smooth and accurate mail delivery process across the Nation.
Outward Postcodes, or Outcodes, are an integral part of the United Kingdom's postal system. They are the first half of a postcode and help the Royal Mail in sorting and delivering mail to the appropriate local delivery office. By utilising a combination of letters and numbers, the Outcodes provide a reliable and efficient method for routing mail within the UK.