Church Street > > S66 9LH
Street Name: | Church Street |
Postcode: | S66 9LH |
Town: | Thurcroft, Thurcroft, |
Local Ward: | Thurcroft & Wickersley South |
County & Region: | , Yorkshire and The Humber |
Country: | England, United Kingdom |
Longitude: | -1.255066 |
Latitude: | 53.394805 |
Eastings: | 449634.0 |
Northings: | 388922.0 |
Find out your rubbish collection day for S66 9LH in Thurcroft & Wickersley South. Bin collection dates and calendar in .
Check Bin DatesQuickly check the postcode band for S66 9LH using the Gov.UK website council tax band checker for a home in England or Wales.
Check Council TaxFind out when your council cleans your street. Your local council (Thurcroft & Wickersley South) is responsible for sweeping streets and removing litter.
Check Street CleaningCheck on the Rightmove website for the average house price. This data based based on previous property sales in S66.
Check S66 House PricesCrime Category | Location/Steet |
anti-social-behaviour | On or near Katherine Road |
anti-social-behaviour | On or near Limetree Avenue |
anti-social-behaviour | On or near Green Arbour Road |
anti-social-behaviour | On or near Green Arbour Road |
anti-social-behaviour | On or near New Orchard Lane |
anti-social-behaviour | On or near Grange Close |
anti-social-behaviour | On or near Melrose Close |
anti-social-behaviour | On or near Grange Close |
anti-social-behaviour | On or near Brook Fold |
anti-social-behaviour | On or near Brampton Meadows |
burglary | On or near South Street |
burglary | On or near New Orchard Road |
burglary | On or near Lyle Close |
burglary | On or near Brampton Road |
burglary | On or near Gurth Drive |
burglary | On or near Brampton Road |
criminal-damage-arson | On or near School Road |
criminal-damage-arson | On or near Sports/recreation Area |
criminal-damage-arson | On or near Green Arbour Road |
criminal-damage-arson | On or near Brook Fold |
drugs | On or near Levett Court |
other-theft | On or near Brook Fold |
other-theft | On or near Cross Street |
other-theft | On or near Cross Street |
other-theft | On or near Sandy Lane |
other-theft | On or near Gurth Drive |
possession-of-weapons | On or near Supermarket |
public-order | On or near Rotherwood Crescent |
public-order | On or near Elgitha Drive |
public-order | On or near Supermarket |
public-order | On or near Gurth Drive |
shoplifting | On or near South Street |
vehicle-crime | On or near Supermarket |
violent-crime | On or near School Road |
violent-crime | On or near Templar Close |
violent-crime | On or near Locksley Drive |
violent-crime | On or near Harvest Avenue |
violent-crime | On or near Templar Close |
violent-crime | On or near Sawn Moor Avenue |
violent-crime | On or near Sawn Moor Avenue |
violent-crime | On or near School Road |
violent-crime | On or near St Withold Avenue |
violent-crime | On or near Cross Street |
other-crime | On or near Sawn Moor Avenue |
other-crime | On or near Peter Street |
other-crime | On or near Peter Street |